Friday, March 6, 2009

Florida Entanglement … Part 2

Concentrations of markers imply entanglement vigor: … the greater the concentration, the stronger the network. Established patterns imply coherency. Florida's markers - sound sequence and word duplication - are strong and correlative.

The A-Lee Sequence
CayleeImmokaleeHaleigh. Saying the words out loud gave me shivers. The visual similarity between Caylee and Immokalee reinforced my discomfort.

Confession: … when I began collecting data, my bias was that I expected to verify a female-exclusive entanglement. My myopia! My bad!

In quantum situations, questions shape answers. Ask if light is a particle, for example, and you'll get an affirmative reply. Ask if light is a wave and you'll receive equal validation for that. Entanglements exhibit quantum's propensity to please interrogators.

To neutralize my bias, the data had to make its own statements; I added boys and girls alike. Even so, I didn't expect overt markers relating to males to be interwoven with those of females. Instead, I rather anticipated finding two separate entanglements. Adji Desir from Immokalee applied the brakes to my female-only prejudice.

The Exact Marie Factor @ 60%
Marie is a popular name; according to, 8.98% of Americans claim it. That's 1 in 111. Florida's 2007 population estimate was 18,251,243; females accounted for 50.9% of the total. Using rounded numbers to guesstimate, half of the state's population - roughly 9,000,000 - is female. Out of that nine million, 810,000 (9%) are likely to be named Marie.

My homemade spreadsheet has 5 cells for child names and 5 for the names of their mothers. Since 9% of 10 = .899999+, one Marie on the list would be about right. Two wouldn't be unusual.

Instead of 1 or 2, however, the Marie tally is 6 … and 60% flatly defies the odds.

Although 60% is steep, it's possible that the true percentage is higher. While Cindy Marie Anthony was Caylee's biological grandmother, she functioned as a surrogate parent. She even referred to herself as Caylee's mom. Adding her to the mother column would bring Marie appearances up to 70%. I won't do that but I may add a couple of grandparent columns.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Florida Entanglement … Part 1

The horrid murdered and missing child situations in Florida have my attention.

In 2007, I yammered on about recurrent elements and how they are characteristic of entanglements in my post: Repetition = Key to Identifying Astral Networks. The events in Florida underscore that notion.

Normally, I would not use names to make a point but there's no way around it because sound sequences and names are the prime attention grabbers. The unmistakable phonetic resonance of Caylee and Haleigh turned my head. The fact that the girls resided in Florida was interesting. When I found they shared the middle name Marie, I had little choice but to follow up.

The table below is cut from the spreadsheet I'm compiling. The start date arbitrary; provided my hypothesis* is correct, the entanglement process will predate 2005. Likewise, affiliated incidents will not be relegated to Florida alone.

Looking only at names, two things are apparent:

... (1) in the ten cells allocated to identify missing children and their mothers, the name Marie pops up six times;

... (2) tonal resonance ~ the A-Lee sound ~ is embedded in fabric of the words Caylee, Haleigh and Immokalee.

* My premise is that entanglements of the negative sort are trespassers using guerilla tactics to take advantage in/of 3d reality. Typically, an incident surfaces, siphons energy and then slips below the radar. An entangled episode may appear to be stand-alone event; this is deceptive. It is the nature of entanglements to network and energies taken from one episode are used to fuel others.


Monday, May 12, 2008

LightWorker Charge

... for those who wade the river between worlds …
... who comfort and guide the dead …
... the task is great, the need ongoing …

Amid the darkness of smoke, through rubble and surrounded by the sounds of fear …
Walk tall that those you seek will see you.

Move purposely, with open heart, that those you serve will understand your presence …
Speak softly your words of comfort.

Offer your hand, in pure love and compassion, to those you will not pass …
Carry the crippled and support the lame.

Lead from destruction into Light those who suffer in confusion and pain ...
The path of Light shines before you … In the silence of the aftermath, open wide the way.

On the wings of angels … Into the arms of guardians, commit the helpless …
The choirs of all Heavens are singing souls home … Walk tall and light the way.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Feng Shui Kismet

I'm on the move ... a field of synchronicity opened a portal to Feng Shui adventure!

Reality: … I don't have a reliable history of swiftness when its come to identifying fields of opportunity. Often by the time I've snapped to, the only things in my rear view mirror are dead-end side-roads. 'Use it or lose it' is a statement that rather annoys me but it holds truth: … if you wait long enough, possibilities slip-slide away.

While I can't deny laziness or obstinance, the trait that confounds me most is my downright dense streak. I have a remarkable ability to overlook the obvious. To make matters worse, when I catch an intuitive glimpse, I tend to grind it to micro-dust by over-thinking its implications.

At any rate, I finally ~ and earnestly ~ asked the Universe to sidestep subtle messaging. I needed spelled out, in my face communication. I requested signals be repeated as necessary. The only major limiting parameter I included was that neither myself ~ nor any one else for that matter ~ be injured.

My part of the agreement was ~ despite fears, questions and reservations ~ I would take action. I stopped short of vowing blind commitment … that would have to wait until I got the hang of messages again. (Yes, this was a mode of interaction I once trusted.) Out of practice on the trust platform, I added a cya caveat: … action could be as minor as examination. Baby steps, the plan.

So I was blumping along ~ my "bang the drum, get my attention, shine a spotlight on possibilities" request far from the forefront of though ~ when I rented a dvd … Feng Shui, Wellspring Media, 2000. The Universe came through ... drums sounded, my attention pricked and, in the blink of a proverbial eye, a world of opportunity materialized.

The result is bigger than a baby step … Feng Shui questing is underway and I'm on the path to certification! Although I don't know the ultimate scope of the adventure, I've engaged destiny … and I'm feeling pretty darn good about it!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Return of Saturn

Sometime ago, I lost the ability to feel my brain hemispheres communicate. It wasn't a faculty I pondered much, just something I couldn't help but notice: … it felt like a little horizontal electrical shock zapping across the median of my brain.

It was always in the same place: … directly in line with the center of my nose, a little forward from the top of my head. I don't remember when I first became aware of it exactly; I was in my late twenties or early thirties when I identified it.

Anyway, I was thinking about it recently, wondering what it meant and why it went away. My current conclusion is that it activated in response to changing brain function; it was a developmental trait. I suppose, in a fashion, it was an artifact of a brain war. I am certain it had everything to do with integration.

The electrical passageway switched into operation during contemplation ~ when I thought about idea implications or tried to reconcile discrepancies. Sometimes I was in philosophical mode and sometimes I was troubleshooting equipment malfunctions at work. The subject didn't matter.

Despite the infamous Christmas Erector Set gift ~ when, with all good intention, my father determined my five year old self had what it took to replicate the Eiffel Tower on our living room floor ~ my formative disposition was laissez-faire weighted and my tendencies were intuitive.

The need to function with and within structured parameters came much later ~ when joining the workforce became a matter of necessity. Until then, analytical thought wasn't a requisite survival skill. When it became necessary, I needed a new neural network.

The zaps, imo, were symptoms of a restructuring syndrome whose overall purpose was balance. It was kind of magical in that triggering was more organic than conscious … maturation processes automatically kicked in when I hadn't the tiniest a clue they were dormant!

What happened to me wasn't at all unusual, I think. The times of life when "… circumstances conspire to make us reconsider our past and devise new structures for the future" are called the Return of Saturn. Returns occur when Saturn re-presents itself in the position it held when we were born. Orbital time is 29.5 years.

Official citations for the effects of Saturn's reappearance are somewhat plastic. The first is generally pegged between the ages of 28-31 with an average age of 29.5. While I can't speak for today's generation, I know women used to experience it before men. Second returns are said to take place around age 60. My personal observation is that both windows are flexible. I've watched first returns start as early as age 24 and as late as 34 … I've seen second return onsets as early as 55. I haven't looked into thirds yet.

Interestingly, recent scientific studies indicate first Returns of Saturn have organic anchors. As per Dr. Jay Giedd of the National Institute of Mental Health:
"Consider the lobes at the front of the brain. The nerve circuitry here ties together inputs from other parts of the brain. … In short, the frontal lobes are key for making good decisions and controlling impulses. … Brain scans show that the frontal lobes don't mature until age 25."

I'll be amazed if eventual research doesn't validate similar physical conditions for the later returns. Science following in the footprints of astrology aside, Saturn is often deemed the Lord of Karma, the Lord of Time and the Great Teacher … it's affiliated with responsibility, discipline, organization, security, science, authority, commitment, culture and tradition.

If you google Saturn's Return, you'll get a ton of references to turmoil, grey hair, painful lessons and general existential agony … basically the picture of a puritanical overlord comin' to whop us. Well, maybe … maybe not. The way I see it, it's relative.

The karmic element is the revealing key … what Saturn has to work with ~ the choices we've made, our karma, and our disposition ~ greatly shades interpretation. I completely agree with Jacquelyn Archer (Between the Pillars, February 2005):

"One of the mistakes as a young astrologer I made was to interpret Saturn’s energy as placing LIMITS and RESTRICTIONS on us. A gross misunderstanding of the potential energy this planet offers. Saturn illuminates for us where and how we RESTRICT and LIMIT ourselves. This energy employs us to literally think outside of the box we have put ourselves in. … During Saturn’s retrograde it’s back to school on learning new ways to approach life. TIME to bring to the consciousness the unconscious."*

Right on!


Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Gift Tree

Natural rhythm sets the stage for opposition: … day > night … hot > cold … up > down … alive > dead … here > there.

From sensory experience, we extrapolate: … love > hate … happy > sad … wise > stupid … just > unjust … good > bad.

Between opposites are the grey scales:
… day > morning - midday - afternoon - evening > night
… hot > all kinds of warm - all kinds of cool > cold
… love > like - indifferent - dislike > hate
… happy > content - hanging out - uneasy > sad.

If something doesn't peg absolute polarity but is related to a given duality, it gets a designated spot on middle ground. Perhaps this pattern has something to do with the cross-cultural underpinning of the number 3. I've got that on my list of things to look into; for now, I want to stick with the subject of opposites.

The notion that we have to experience things in opposition to know the things themselves, makes me wonder. I often hear the admonition ~ we're sad because that's the only way we can know joy ~ as rationale for bad things happening to good people. While (1) I don't find it an especially comforting thought and (2) I perceive an undercurrent of arrogance in it, I have to ask: … is it true?

Could we, for example, be happy and stay happy without knowing sorrow? It makes sense to me we could. Conditioned as we are to evaluate in terms of duality, it's difficult to imagine we could rate our degrees of contentment or appreciate our lack of sorrow in the idyllic state. It's likewise easy to assume, without a sliding continuum of opposites, that it would be static. But would we be at loose ends? Would the state really be static?

Let's look at things that don't require opposites. Take trees, for instance. They don't have polar opposties. Sure, there are places where there are no trees ~ regions where trees once stood, treeless areas where they can't or don't take root ~ but non-tree as a polar opposite isn't a viable notion. We perceive trees; we don't perceive negative trees.

Hmmm … tree - no tree vs. happy - sad … one is physical and the other is emotional. We've got 3d trees that don't depend on duality ~ pecan, orange, maple, willow, etc. We use tree analogies to understand and explain what we cannot see. We've got ordained metaphysical trees ~ the Tree of Life, the Tree of Knowledge. Add to these the archetypal World Tree and we've got ourselves a dimensional forest!

I began this blog planning to shift my earlier astral discussion to its proper etheric footing and, as you can see, I got stuck in the bushes. Because I kept getting hung up on duality and the judgment that comes with it, I couldn't help but think something else was trying to manifest. Time to shift focus.

Judgment is a Tree of Knowledge attribute and it points to a Garden of Eden quest. Now, it's not that Eden is verboten or invalid … rather, it’s a traditional concept with baggage. Since my oveall contention is that we need new eyes as humanity moves forward, the idea of getting snagged in a thicket of same-old thought forms was irksome, frustrating. It was identical, however, to what was happening with my blogging attempt.

I noted the parallel but I was still miffed. The plethora of systematized interpretations dealing with the fall of man, the nature of good and evil, free will and the right of choice, the nature of serpents in mythology, even the ontology the intuitive feminine: … hmmm ... Tree of Knowledge branches keeping vision locked in collective place. They were keeping me from blog progress, as well.

Doctrines bind thoughts. They shape and color notions. They project boundaries that are difficult to transcend. Even propositions rooted with good intentions create barriers. The popular adage ~ think out of the box ~ enjoins us to do what is simply one of hardest tasks we can undertake.

However, thorns of indoctrination ~ accepted interpretations that generate patterns of thought and emotional responses ~ are precisely what we have to recognize and question. We need to do this from a non-polarized perspective. Some baggage has outlived its usefulness. Where is the fresh wind? How does it make itself known?

I was daunted, brain-locked, going in circles in the shade of the Tree of Knowledge … when there was a knock at the door. Talk about synchronicity! It was FedEx with a package from an outfit called The GiftTree.

The box contained all the fixin's for a New Year's celebration … all of the ingredients for a party of beginnings! While it arrived two days late as per the calendar, it was flawlessly timed with its message! The Universe offered … I accepted.

The Gift Tree … a new tree in the Garden? a new name for an existing tree? or a new way to envision? I don't have a firm answer but my plan is to tend the symbolism and keep it in the forefront of my consciousness.

The new wind blows! Next time I'm stuck, I'll be making a bee line for The Gift Tree!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Astral Awareness and Paradigm Tweaking

Calls went out in the fall of 2006 when an astral node blew and a shooter began killing children in a rural school. Healers and facilitators felt the urgency and responded. As mentioned in an August 2007 post, a healer and journey worker friend of mine and I were among those who gathered.

Spiritual disaster work isn't always clear cut and obvious … it certainly wasn't for us that day. Because our customary roles involved interaction with participants, our thoughts focused on tending those in need. What happened was more like watching a movie at a drive-in.

From a distance, we saw concentric circles of protective light surrounding the devastation … within the circles, workers administered to the casualties, their families and community. Except for my friend's tenuous connection to one of the children, we stood back.

Our expectations differing from the reality, we were measurably disoriented. However, we trusted the validity of the call we'd received and we knew the event wasn't trivial. Repeatedly we re-grounded and re-balanced.

Best we could determine, we were called to witness … exactly what we were to see, we didn't know. Lack of an overview was of no consequence; we committed to provide, do, whatever guidance disclosed. It was with acceptance of the unfamiliar and alignment with greater intention that we became aware of the furious, terrible hole in the ground beside us.

It's an understatement to note the hole was an unexpected anomaly. It was a dreadful aberration. It felt as if it contained legions of horrors … some recent, some from times past. We could hear it raging ~ filled with sounds of gale force winds and echoes of screams. We could see it squirming ~ frantically sucking the emotionally charged atmosphere. We caught glimpses of the system's interior … we felt its ferocious greed and determination.

Bizarre as it was, we didn't pause to mull its implications, much less consider why it was on the periphery, where it had been or what it had been doing before we saw it. In the moment, all we knew was that it was a component of the tragedy.

We snapped to: … perception of the astral opening was only a partial task. The system needed to be disengaged from 3d and the hole sealed.

Using an etheric disk equivalent to a massive manhole cover, we severed the connection. It held. The sounds subsided and the quaking ground around the opening calmed. There was no pleasure in our action … truthfully, we didn't know if what we'd done had any affect on the immediate circumstances, on the injured or the healers and workers involved.

We were, at most, only semi-relieved. The disk wasn't a permanent solution … it was an adequate solution for the current incident but it didn't address the fact of the manifest hole or the massive amount of energy the system behind it wielded. What was it? Where did it come from? Why did we see it? Clearly, this experience would require more than a little debriefing.