Thursday, December 20, 2007

Astral Buzzsaws & Axial Ages … The Boat of Reality is a-Rockin'

Without interference, energies in motion continue until they atrophy. Astral networks perpetuate and propagate. They avoid deterioration by using energies from manifest events to fuel themselves and create offspring.

If everything is part of the Greater Whole, is it right to thwart these things? That's a razor's edge question. Make no mistake: … for healers, psychopomps and warriors alike, it is a spiritual determination. Not to be wishy washy, but: … the answer is yours.

Resolution to service is chock full of variables ~ ethical, personal, mechanical. Mere recognition is a form of participation. In a sense, then, we all handle astral events … some just more consciously than others. Observation we can regulate somewhat. Attendance is a commitment.

Middle ground meddling is neither prudent nor advisable … it plays to and with weaknesses. The lure to dabble can begin in innocence, as a product of curiosity. It can be insidious ... sans the counterbalance of understanding, it can lead to very ungrounded behaviours and manifestations.

Calls are deep knowings accompanied by feelings of responsibility. They often produce physical agitation and a sense of urgency. When dealing with calls of attendance, we function from our strengths.

Just as event groups vary, individual callings differ. It's not unusual for them to come progressively, in stages with each new summons building on its predecessors. There's wisdom in the process … paths to commitment follow the lines of our development. We may spend years, decades even, wending our ways through unseen matters before we accept the charge of facilitator.

Know thyself. Evaluate yourself clearly, without the rose colored glasses of personal or external expectation. Declining the role is not passport to damnation and it doesn't make us bad people. I may fully appreciate a welder's art and craft … I may learn all I can about it … but my path may not be that of a welder.

That said, numbers of us do engage in the tasks of astral impingement. Many of us work alone ~ more correctly, alone in 3d ~ and we work without a standards manual. In my opinion, any how-to handbook for dealing with everything astral would be questionable.

I say this because I believe the times they are a-'changin'. It's not that what worked in the recent past ~ in recorded historical times ~ is invalid … rather, I think there is a very big possibility it's insufficient.

German psychologist and philosopher Karl Jaspers, when he published his work The Origin and Goal of History in 1949, released the notion of 'axial ages' into the collective. The term he coined referred to pivotal times of transition in which "… the spiritual foundations of humanity were laid simultaneously and independently …"

According to theory, the first axial shift occurred in the period from 800 bce to 200 bce. It gave rise to the foundations of civilization ~ economic, social, and political ~ and it birthed the world's religions. Since public introduction of the idea, axial age reality has been bandied about … some dismiss it; others have expanded it, suggesting additional axial ages as well as the fact we are either in one, or on the cusp of one, now.

I suspect multiple axial ages have occurred ~ some poking into larger time frames like overlooked little ice ages … some so ancient as to be evident only in trace memories of Atlantis and Lemuria. I also agree with the premise that one is underway. Entire new sets of conceptions and behaviour are taking shape.

What does this have to do with astral entanglement? Two things:
(1) I suspect astral consciousness is aware of the change, fully intent on taking advantage of diminished institutional holds on 3d reality.
(2) I believe it's foolhardy for us to rely solely on past definitions and models. Now is the time to envision with new eyes.

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